Life is Moving

keep moving, jumping! spinning!
over and over like you never tired to try, till you get the best move in your art.
i dont know what are do you doing. i dont know what's the name of your trick.
but for me, your movement liked my life.

smooth like breath, jump like a desire,
and spin like a trouble.
i can get some kicked in the ass if i never looking around.

or the negacy, i always looking around
and never look my self.
down to ground, lets jump again! 

we never live alone, we have many friends.
they always give the best for me. from my behind,
they sang for me.

to reach my glory, to see my run with the sparkle in my hand.
i'll do the best for my sparkle.
and now i know, my sparkle is...
my bestfriends.

*all Capoera's picture taken at my photography class in my college :D


febiriana said...

iki apik dar tulisanmu. kalo ak nangkepnya ada metafor metafor ttg hidup yang menurutku asik (soale ak seneng cerito ttg hidup, hehe).yg "get my sparkle" itu,cuman grammar mu ada beberapa yg kurang pas.mungkin ini akan jadi tulisan yg bagus nek pake bhs indo,heheheeeee.But so far that's great.belajar teruss yuukk :D

Daru Firmanjaya said...

sip nek, thanks koreksinya.
trus harusnya yg bener gmn??
masalah bahasa kok aku tetep prefer pke inggis ya

betari kiranasari said...

aku uda komen via twitter looh. nih aku juga uda nge-post, mohon kripik pedasnya gan:

prefer pake english soalnya lebih catchy? wooo...kamu harus baca Anak Semua Bangsa by Pramoedya Anantatoer! :p

daru firmanjaya said...

gimana mau baca, situ aja blm minjemin.
saya udah minjemin larasati-nya pramoedya loh.
mana barterannya? hahahaha...

iya, biar catchy sharon